
This service focuses specifically on assessing an individual's skills following an injury or due to a condition. The job tasks are then analyzed and it is then determined whether or not the individual is able to meet the job demands required of them. We complete reports for insurance purposes, employers, doctors and employees for individual purposes. We structure the reports specifically for the purpose. We provide recommendations to aid employees in meeting job demands appropriately and where appropriate have employees involved in individualized "return to work" programs where specific physical or cognitive work skills are trained.

We perform functional driving evaluations to determine fitness to drive following an injury, illness or
progressive condition. Guidance is provided on driving cessation, driver rehabilitation or adaptations
necessary for a return to driving for personal or commercial purposes.
Hand therapy involves the assessment and treatment of injuries and conditions affecting the hand. We undertake to treat the hand conservatively where required but also treat the hand post-operatively. We work closely with a number of surgeons, GP’s, physiotherapists, etc., and always aim to ensure communication to achieve an optimal outcome.
Therapy involves specific assessment of impairments, splinting for protection, rest, mobilization or deformity prevention. Therapy also involves the use of treatment tools such as heat, active and passive range of motion exercises, oedema management, graded tasks and resistance training all to enable functional use of the hand. For certain conditions, it may involve joint protection principles and training of effective ergonomics.
We follow evidence-based protocols and will document every stage of the rehabilitation process.

Neurological rehabilitation focuses on rehabilitating or compensating for the skills that are lost following a neurological condition. Neurological conditions include (but are not limited to) stroke, head injury, spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's, dementia, Guillain Barre and brain or spinal tumours. The OT treatment provided is practical and functional. We assess what is a challenge in daily life which can be anything from dressing oneself to reading and writing to organizing a work routine to managing complex job demands. The skills required to do these tasks are then broken down into components- physical, cognitive, perceptual and emotional. These skills are then trained or compensatory techniques are taught. Every treatment is personalized specifically to each persons need and will take place in the appropriate environment whether it be at home, in the workplace or even in public spaces such as a shop.